weak minded people love to be patronized

3 years ago

sit down drive around comedy over miles davis
microdose amy gross
we prefer obscurity
we lost our voice, not taste/smell
yes the media is ever so reliable
try to be effective in your little separate corner of the world
birth of the cool, sumin we know all about
what color is everyone else in miles' band
i'll give you a hint, not black
add the n-word on repeat, maybe then they'd listen to jazz
identity politics is for those with no self-esteem
they don't think that there is anything else but this one thing
people are pathetic due to poor upbringing (and/or education)
my bits would be miles davis approved
uphold mental illness w/ little to no self-awareness
i don't hate women, just most of em
mostly misogynist
feminists hate women (see: abortion)
just an illegitimate child so wtf do i know
gotta work on these prolonged silences
can't get away w/ much anymore, people will just change the channel

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