Do you need "government?"

3 years ago

A totally new way of looking @ reality: Do you really need "government" Services? ..Especially if you have proven-documented & RECORDED that you are self-responsible !
Realize, the negative/parasitic/debt System offers you a bipolar-view-consensus of one political Party vote as good vs. evil. And there is where IT suckers you into signing the evil Contract of choosing the 'Lesser of 2 evils.' You have agreed to go with the flow, if your Party loses! You cannot win, as IT is an evil System you have signed up for!

To “get it” one must see this “government” as ‘Corporatism’ (that of the contract) has just about replaced Nationalism---that of borders & Constitution. (i.e., Democrats want “illegals” to sign contracts to become a part of The Great One [parasitical] Corporation.) This is not “Theory” as many contracts/documents bind most to their controllers via contracts (licensing is only 1)---thus the Elite can mandate their privately derived: ‘rules’/[often secret] codes/GRID/baseless monetary-token=debt-basement. => This opposes an asset based coinage which JFK was murdered for (among much else); 9-11 continued/extended the Rule by these [insider] descended Elite Families.

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