The Schaftlein Report Goes to Texas | Schaftlein Report

3 years ago

The Schaftlein Report Goes to Texas | Schaftlein Report
Guest Host: Jeffrey Dunetz - LidBlog Author ( )
Guest: Richard Battle - Multi Award-Winning Author – Speaker – Advisor ( )
*His new book "Life's Daily Treasure" aim to restore your pride in America and inspire you to confidently pursue your destiny.
1) AOC Goes to Texas
2) Russia-Ukraine
a. Will NATO countries keep their promises of major sanctions?
b. Who's lying and who's not?
3) Economic Freedom - U.S. dropped from the 20th most economically free country to the 25th
4) Oh Canada? - Trudeau invoked emergency powers act against the peaceful and patriotic protest
5) Lock Her Up - Durham files a brief indicating the campaign hired Rodney Joffe to spy on phone calls from Trump Tower and the White House
6) Energy Inflation - Biden asked Saudi Arabia to produce more crude to help him lower energy and overall inflation
7) Speaking of Crude - Will Prince Andrew get back his military titles and responsibilities now that he has made a schtupping settlement?

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