New Yorkers Line Street to Support Canadian #FreedomConvoy – Oppose Trudeau's Use of Emergencies Act

3 years ago

New Yorkers give their take on Trudeau's use of the Emergencies Act against this "peaceful, amazing working class revolution."

One tells he's "astonished that the legacy left media is covering this as something that it's not. It's multicultural, it's diverse... It has to do with resisting authoritarianism and Trudeau has shown his true colors. He is clearly an authoritarian who doesn't care about the people."

Another: Canada has "a tyrannical leader just like we do. [The truckers] are really the example that we need to follow right now."

One lady states that "what the Canadian truckers are doing – it's amazing for all of us, all around the world."

Another says that Trudeau needs to step down. He questions why he won't just end the mandates, saying "I don't understand. It's a bigger agenda than what's being proposed."

Yet another, "Trudeau just now declared a war against humanity by his use of the Emergencies Act ... He's playing a really dangerous game."

A nurse with 18 years experience who was fired despite having an excellent record is supporting the Canadians to be able to make their own health choices. "In the history of my life, I've never seen anything so absurd" as the mandates. "I was really taken aback by it. I can't believe people aren't screaming from the rooftops for this, because this is just absolutely ridiculous."

One expressed concern with the freezing of their bank accounts. "The vaccine mandates, the cards, the QR codes... These are all things that impede upon freedom."

"I think it's about time that people wake up. I think it's about time that people become awake from being woke. I used to be woke, but now I'm awake."

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