Tucker Carlson Tonight 15 Feb 2022

2 years ago

Justine Castro-Trudeau has gone full fascist, but we already knew that didn't we. That weak excuse for a prime minister involved their Emergency Powers Act, never before enacted to crack down on antigovernment protests. Of course they are also going after the money. This is completely unsatisfactory and I truly hope he and everyone around him pays the price. It is going to be a battle royal since the dopes up north control the media to an even greater extent than our media is captured by the left. Jason Whitlock joins Tucker to break it all down for us.
Next, an uplifting story about Levi's former President, Jennifer Sey, who resigned her position and a million dollar severance package that would have stopped her from speaking out. She's been an outspoken critic of School shutdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates etc. For two years Levi's has been trying to control her speech, but she was having none of it. Bravo!
Jason Rantz joins Tucker to give us an update about the open sewer that is Seattle.
Trace Gallagher joins Tucker to give us the background on a BLM activist just arrested for attempted murder (assassination actually) in Louisville. Then Charlie Hurt from the Washington Times joins the show to discuss the finances behind BLM.
Douglas MacGregor comes on to discuss the Idiot's absolute cluster he's made in Ukraine.
Adam Laxalt, former Nevada AG and currently running for Senate joins Tucker to discuss the state dems trying to keep children masked. Crazy and suicidal politics if you ask me.
Finally, PJ O'Rourke has passed away at age 74. Tucker gives a beautiful eulogy of one the great writers of our time.

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