To the blind Church// To Africa, what the Lord has in store for You!

2 years ago

Prophetic Word, received on February 15th 2022 around 9:30pm as I went into prayer.
Though it has only two subjects the title may not reflect it very well.
The first section is for the church as it mainly does not recognize the time we are living in and the second section is to Africa.

Matthew 16:3
Matthew 24:37-38/ Luke 17:26
2 Thessalonians 4.13
2 Samuel 6:14-16
1 Timothy 6:10
Matthew 20:21
1 King 21:23
John 14:15,21; 15:10/
Matthew 20:35-40
Leviticus 11:44-45; 20:7,26/ 1 Peter 1:16

The transcript to read along is available on my website:

If you need licensed footages, images or music for your own videos, I have loads of them available exlusively on Pond5

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