Feed My Sheep // Hitting a Homerun (Part 3)

3 years ago

Pastor Brittany shares an encouraging word about what it is to follow the command of Jesus to feed His sheep out of your love for Him.

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“‘Do you love me?’...’Then feed my sheep’” John 21: 1-19
“From now on you’ll be fishing for people.” Luke 5: 1-11

1. History repeats itself.
When Peter first met Jesus at the boat, it was the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. The second time Peter met Jesus at the boat, it was the beginning of Peter’s ministry.

2. Jesus asks the question.
The question is remarkably simple, “Do you love me?”The first time was just a question. The second time it was annoying. The third time it hurt. “Do you love me?” Jesus asked Peter this question until it hurt.

3. Discipleship is not an ultimatum; it is an invitation.
As Christians we often misquote this verse. “If you love me, then feed my sheep.”Jesus does not use an if/then statement.Jesus asks Peter, “Do you love me?” because the question demands an answer.Your response to this question is everything.Jesus is telling Peter, “BECAUSE you love me, feed my sheep.”You can be a Christian and never make disciples, but you cannot be a disciple and not make disciples.

4. Fish vs Lambs
When Jesus first called Peter and the disciples, he told them all, “I will make you fishers of men.” When Jesus met Peter for the final time, He said, “Feed my sheep.”Fish represent the masses; lambs represent the individual. Fish represent multiplication. Sheep represent sacrifice.Fish do not need to be taken care of; sheep do.

Luke 14 says we should count the cost of being a disciple. The disciples were not sent out the moment they were called. They followed Jesus for three years, practiced ministry and were personally mentored by Jesus before they ever went out to do the same!

**That is why we have growth track in our church, because it takes time to become a disciple maker! Believe, belong, build, become!**

You may say, “I’m not ready, I don’t know what to do!” That’s why we have life groups, why we have mentorship/discipleship. That’s why we have destiny training. Because you cannot become a disciple maker without it.

The disciples had Jesus. Luke and Timothy had Paul. Elisha had Elijah. Samuel Had Eli. David had Samuel. You can see all throughout the Bible that God used discipleship to grow and lead His people.

To be a great leader, you must first be a great follower.


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