Lifespan and Schizophrenia

3 years ago

Going through the factors that contribute to shortened life expectancy in schizophrenics.

Blog (with links to a variety of topics including a comprehensive cheat sheet for overcoming the disease):

15 years lower lifespan
8 years Ontario canada
10 - 25 years range
20x risk of suicide (usually with disease onset, 12% risk versus 0.6% general population) (15% total deaths to suicide)
Schizophrenics less likely to receive treatment for health complaints across the board
50% less likely to get mammogram
Blacks 40% less likely to get mammogram
Difference is still noticable for thinks like heart medically nescery heart surgery
2x risk for altimers (10% over age of 65 normally have it)
Smoking (7-10 years deficit, lungs heal completely after 20 years not smoking, partially much quicker, 80% of schizo smoke versus 20% general population)) , inactivity (30% increased risk compared to the moderately active), poverty (18.5% average double effect for men half for women lowest class to middle class age adjusted mortality rate diet (watch heart disease, test lipids) and isolation all contribute (adequet social connection reduces risk of death by 50% comparable to giving up a 15 cigarette a day habit.
Obese 5 years less, overweight 2. Some mixed
8*.6=4.8 smoking
38*.12=4.56 suicide
+2=11.36 weight
30% inactivity
18.5% class
50% social isolation
Marriage 50% decrease to risk of death
People who smoke 25 cigarettes a day or more have three times the risk for heart attack or stroke and are nearly five times more likely to die of heart disease or stroke.
Study had
Adults with schizophrenia were more than 3.5 times (all-cause SMR,(standardized mortality rate) 3.7; 95% CI, 3.7-3.7) as likely to die in the follow-up period as were adults in the general population. Cardiovascular disease had the highest mortality rate (403.2 per 100 000 person-years) and an SMR of 3.6 (95% CI, 3.5-3.6). Among 6 selected cancers, lung cancer had the highest mortality rate (74.8 per 100 000 person-years) and an SMR of 2.4 (95% CI, 2.4-2.5). Particularly elevated SMRs were observed for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (9.9; 95% CI, 9.6-10.2) and influenza and pneumonia (7.0; 95% CI, 6.7-7.4). Accidental deaths (119.7 per 100 000 person-years) accounted for more than twice as many deaths as suicide (52.0 per 100 000 person-years). Nonsuicidal substance-induced death, mostly from alcohol or other drugs, was also a leading cause of death (95.2 per 100 000 person-years).

Alzheimer's rate at age 80 70.2% versus 11.3% without schizophrenia
Car accidents double per mile driven but most schizophrenics drive way less or not at all.
Diabetes 2-5x greater
Prevalence of diabetes is estimated 1.27–1.63 fold
higher in medication-naïve patients with schizophre-
nia as compared with the general population in the


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