Unlikely pig-chicken friendship is cutest thing you'll see today

3 years ago

A giant pig which lives in a house has a new best friend - a hen which had to be moved indoors due to the avian flu 'flockdown'.

Vietnamese potbellied pig Francisco, aged four, was bought as a micropig for a teenage girl's birthday but began to grow - so was taken in by animal-lover Morag Sangster.

Morag, who runs Tribe Animal Sanctuary, in Carluke, Lanarkshire, lets him have the run of the house and along with four dogs.

In November, she moved poorly chicken Alice indoors - and the hen and pig are now unlikely best friends.

They like to eat the same kind of food and Alice is often giving Francisco a backscratch by standing on him and stretching her claws.

Morag said: "There's a 'flockdown' because of bird flu - to stop it from spreading in the UK, people have been told to keep birds inside.

"We take in hens from battery farms and they are often quite poorly.

"Alice was really poorly, we took her into the conservatory as she was being bullied.

"She's been in the conservatory ever since."

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