2022-02-16 The Right Overnight News

2 years ago

Here are the top stories for today:

All quiet for now on the Eastern Front.

KyivPost: FEMEN group critical of US Embassy removal. "Don't Be a Pussy".
I love this story. Why? because it is confusing? I would have thought the FEMEN group would hate the USA (as most radicals do).
ZeroHedge: The Unstated Scandal: The CIA Collected Info On President Trump
It’s also about the willingness of U.S. intelligence to target the President - they knew all along and said nothing.
Zerohedge: Now We've Done It: We Pissed Off The CIA
Incredible that the Deep State does all this crap. I would worry for my life if I worked at Zerohedge.
WashingtonExaminer: Charlie Savage is the reason no one trusts journalists.
The reason for this post is how Savage misleads, uses straw-man arguments, and, honestly, is brainwashing the left. NYTimes doing their typical work on propaganda. (Read original then this article. (PS. @ScottAdamsSays took it apart on his podcast yesterday, Feb 15th and worth a listen.)
Republican Leaders Jim Jordan and Marsha Blackburn Raise Concerns with Jake Sullivan as Biden’s National Security Advisor
This guy seems not to care - and THAT IS WHY HE IS SO DANGEROUS.
Western Journal: Tulsi Gabbard Ruins Clinton Over Trump Spying Scandal in 60-Second Video, Says What Must Happen Now
Fantasy football - Wouldn't it be great for Trump to choose her as VP?
RT NEWS: PUTIN making jokes about the USA/West
[Paraphrase-mine] Feb 15th will "go down in history as the day Western war propaganda failed...”
Jurist.org: Russia lower house votes to recognize independence of eastern Ukraine regions
Russian Duma (congress/parliament) seeks to legitimize captured territory of Ukraine. But Macron specifically says, '"We stay sharp and ask [Putin] not to fulfill Duma's request", said the representative of Macron's office.'
112.International: New hacks in Ukraine overnight.
We are NOT out of the woods, yet.

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