How to Play O Canada on the Harmonica

3 years ago

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This tutorial is for a Diatonic Harmonica
LEARN HOW TO BEND with Liam Ward:

Please Note, I have altered the ending of this tune due to not being able to produce the needed C sharp in one of the last phrases.

"O Canada" (French: Ô Canada) is the national anthem of Canada. The song was originally commissioned by Lieutenant Governor of Quebec Théodore Robitaille for the 1880 Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day ceremony; Calixa Lavallée composed the music, after which, words were written by the poet and judge Sir Adolphe-Basile Routhier. The original lyrics were in French; an English translation was published in 1906.[1] Multiple English versions ensued, with Robert Stanley Weir's version in 1908 gaining the most popularity, eventually serving as the basis for the official lyrics enacted by Parliament.[1] Weir's lyrics have been revised three times, most recently when An Act to amend the National Anthem Act (gender) was enacted in 2018.[2] The French lyrics remain unaltered. "O Canada" had served as a de facto national anthem since 1939, officially becoming the country's national anthem in 1980 when Canada's National Anthem Act received royal assent and became effective on July 1 as part of that year's Dominion Day (today's Canada Day) celebrations

Canadian Flag photo by Praveen Kumar Nandagiri on UnSplash

O Canada
O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

The words of the original poem of 1908 by Stanley Weir are as follows:

O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love thou dost in us command.
We see thee rising fair, dear land,
The True North, strong and free;
And stand on guard, O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.

O Canada! O Canada!
O Canada! We stand on guard for thee.
O Canada! We stand on guard for thee.

O Canada! Where pines and maples grow.
Great prairies spread and lordly rivers flow.
How dear to us thy broad domain,
From East to Western Sea,
Thou land of hope for all who toil!
Thou True North, strong and free!


O Canada! Beneath thy shining skies
May stalwart sons and gentle maidens rise,
To keep thee steadfast through the years
From East to Western Sea,
Our own beloved native land!
Our True North, strong and free!


Ruler supreme, who hearest humble prayer,
Hold our dominion within thy loving care;
Help us to find, O God, in thee
A lasting, rich reward,
As waiting for the Better Day,
We ever stand on guard.


Tune Basics is the popular music education series created by #musician/content creator Kerin Gedge (That's Me). It's purpose is to teach anybody who wants to learn the very basics of how to play Musical Instruments which includes DiatonicHarmonica, TremoloHarmonica with 24 holes, Tremolo Harmonica with 16 holes, Tremolo Harmonica with 20 holes, ChromaticHarmonica, kalimba with ten keys, recorder and PennyWhistle (also known as TinWhistle).
Tune Basics aims to introduce he student with clear animated instructions for how to play basic and recognisable songs. Tune Basics avoids delving into technique or styles but will, where possible, provide relevant links to professional musicians who can take the learner deeper when they want to move on from basic lessons.
TuneBasics also provides HarmonicaTabs TinWhistleTabs /PennyWhistleTabs and KalimbaTabs on the Tune Basics blog, link provided above. Please be sure to browse my harmonica TABS list as there may be harmonica tabs there that haven't yet been made into a tutorial for this channel!
TuneBasics believes that ANYONE can learn to play harmonica (or whatever instrument for that matter!). It doesn’t matter how old you are or what you don't know about music. If you can follow the this how to video then you’re well on your way to becoming a musician. But don’t expect to “get it” over night. Practicing your instrument will always make perfect. Sometimes you may need to watch these tutorials a few times to get the hang of a song. Most melodies on Tune Basics are broken up into simple manageable phrases so learn one phrase at a time! Pause, practice and then continue.

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