God is good all the time 441: Christian Call to Engage the World

3 years ago

As believers we are not called to a life where we hide away because we have been called to something special. No, we are called to 'be in the world not of the world'. But what does that mean for us as believers. Basically it means we have to put our belief and faith in the Lord to work we have to put the 'rubber to the road', actually do something. But what is that something? We are to show the love that God has shown us with the world so that they may see God's love and choose to accept His gift and become a believer as well. We are to do this in our jobs, in school, at the grocery store and in the public. We are to out among the world people all the time to better serve them and be the Bible that they can see and learn from...what better way to share the story of God than to show the world what He has done for us and what he means to us.

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