Windowmaker - Seen The Light (FT. Alex Jones)

3 years ago

I've seen the Light, I've seen the Light!
Gotta feel sorry for our Enemies, they haven't seen the Light...

And that's why the Globalists tell you, "you're a Nazi", "you're a Russian Agent"... You're all these preposterous things.

Because they're the ones who are the Globalists, They are the ones who are the outsiders, They are the ones who are taking over, They are the usurpers...

.... I Want Freedom! I want Justice!
and I want a connection to God and Eternity!

And I want to be separated from the Devil...
I want to be separated from Hollywood...
And I want to be separated from the Davos Group...

For Eternity.

Gab: @Windowmaker
Gettr: @Windowmaker

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