3 years ago

In Episode 56, KK and Cat quickly review the information from the last 2 episodes concerning the Bloodline of the Holy Grail and the King Arthur & Camelot connection. Then they talk about the fact that JFK's presidency was referred to as "Camelot." The girls tie the powerful Kennedy family to some interesting bloodline lineage and then discuss the life of John F. Kennedy, as well as some of his family members. Was JFK a noble knight in shining armor? Was his personal life and presidency the epitome of Camelot? KK and Cat also go into some detail about the rumors that JFK Jr. is said to be alive and working behind the scenes with Donald Trump to avenge his father's conspirators and bring down the Dark Global Cabal? Is this true and are they are a part of the Q Movement and the Great Awakening to save America?

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