3 years ago

Convoy 2022 in Canada are being put under severe political pressure as bank accounts are being threatened to be close. BBC News reported-
Canada's Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said at a recent news conference that banks would be able freeze personal accounts of anyone linked with protests

Could the same thing happen in New Zealand? Yes I believe so, it appears that the COVID19 Health & Response Act/Orders are 'enabling orders' that give Ardern and her political cronies in Wellington the authorization to do whatever they like when it comes to the lives of New Zealanders.

Wherever there is protest, a backlash against governments narratives across the world, tacts have been repressive and often security forces violent to protestors, no matter whether they are youmg, old or disabled.
There have been arrests, detentions and criminalisation, political vilification of those taking part, and attempts to repress expression both online and offline.

In New Zealand the political police visiting law abiding citizens home because they have publically protested against the governments political narratives, severe restrictions, the abuse of human rights has become quite familiar now.

New Zealand is fast catching up with the rest of the world. N Z Government have sold what was once 'Gods Own' down the road.

New Zealand Citizenship is gradually being replaced with Global Citzenship.( Ardern's Global Citizenship Awards)

Of course the Government are well aware that "the best way to hurt a person is to hit their pocket". Stop them in their tracks, can't buy food, petrol or support their family.

Can this happen in New Zealand? YES.. Maybe only in a small way right now but there is nothing 'KIND' about Ardern and her political cronies in the toilet bowl of Wellington.

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