Emergencies Act... Yikes, Now What?

2 years ago

"Elected is Elected", I say. It is time to start reminding every elected official at every level that you do still exist.

'Freedom Forward' is a Community I host on Locals, where people - of any viewpoint or political persuasion - can come to talk about what they are seeing in current events and the impact of those events on their own lives.

As someone who instinctively finds the best in every situation, this community will be heavy on hope and light on misery (enough of that everywhere else). With that said, tough topics need discussing, especially when the goal is to find a way forward.

You can find my Locals Community - Freedom Forward - here: https://freedomsaskatchewan.locals.com

I use BigVu.tv to record with a teleprompter and add visuals to my videos: https://desk.bigvu.tv/ref?fpr=shauna-stanley-seymour77

If you are looking for my course meant to help community groups get better at doing what they do, hop on over to Ignite the Engaged at any of the following locations (if you want a coupon code, reach out to me there):
Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-503217
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ignitetheengaged
Locals https://ignitetheengaged.locals.com

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