Hillary’s Tangled Web of Lies

3 years ago

It appears Special Prosecutor John Durham – the man who is tasked with uncovering the origins of the fake news Russian collusion story the Democrats pushed for four years – is closing in on Hillary Clinton. His latest filing notes that lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a technology company to "infiltrate" servers belonging to Trump Tower, and later the White House, in order to establish an "inference" and "narrative" to bring to government agencies linking Donald Trump to Russia.

While this sounds very encouraging – like maybe Hillary and associates will be held accountable – don’t hold your breath. According to former federal prosecutor James Trusty… Attorney General Merrick Garland has oversight of the investigation – and we all know he has an abysmal track record of defending truth and liberty.

James Trusty, former federal prosecutor, “So, I am a little concerned that he doesn’t have much independence, doesn’t have much judgement when it comes to federalism and professional prosecution that he will be an obstacle to John Durham rather that someone who accepts John Durham at his word.”

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