Canadian Patriot is right - This is a war of Good vs. Evil for the world.

3 years ago

Make no mistake about it. The good vs. evil - God vs. Satin is playing out right in front of our eyes.

We have God on our side and an amazing Donald Trump who is utilizing Project Looking Glass and off-world help. Think there are no other advanced beings in this vast universe, and think they have not been here for many years? We've been slaves to the non-benevolent ones for centuries. Now, the tide has turned and victory is coming very soon.

This Canadian trucker is just a small cog in a vast machine of good that, when it is all said and done, will have crushed the evil by standing up and saying Freedom. There is pain involved, but it is worth the price.

Get ready everyone - you may find yourself in a similar situation.

What will you do? Cower and crumble, or grow a strong backbone and say Freedom?

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