791st Contact: Vaccines, Yellowstone, Time Travel, Russia and Germany

2 years ago


“The majority of all illnesses and deaths caused by the Corona virus occur in human beings – as we have clearly established – who have been treated with inadequate vaccines”

791st Contact,Sunday, 23rd January 2022, 21:56 hrs

Bermunda: Waiting in your workroom was pleasant for me.

Billy: Eva didn’t even hear you calling for me from the kitchen door. We were sitting in front of the television, so of course she was thinking and listening to what had just happened. When I came out and told you that we wanted to watch a film together and that I would be in the office at about 10.00 hrs, well, you said that you would be there then. That is the case now, but I didn’t know you were waiting for me here.

Bermunda: That was no problem for me, and besides, I could keep myself very well occupied, because I could occupy myself with your many books, various of which interest me. So for me the wait was very entertaining.

Billy: It was – but I still want to apologise for keeping you waiting. You know, the evening is for Eva, because that’s the time when we can sit together in front of the TV in the living room and also talk to each other privately, until I go back to my office at about 10.00 hrs. Otherwise she has to work away from home, she is also busy with our severely disabled daughter Selina from Friday to Sunday evening, and otherwise she works in her office during the day and I work in mine, so we can’t be together much.

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