Maxime Bernier - Feb 9 2022 - English Portion Only of Press Conference

3 years ago

One of the most important public statements for Maxime Bernier addressing the out-of-control Liberal Government under PM Pierre Trudeau. Maxime, who is currently the Leader but not an elected Leader, of the PPC (Maxime nor the PPC currently can have a say in the current Canadian Parliament as a sitting member of Government. Maxime is circled with an amazing group of Individuals at Ottawa ON (Marriott Hotel) who were each asked to participate in joint press conference alongside Maxime Bernier, Leader of Federal Political Party of PPC (People's Party of Canada) in response to defending Canada's bill of rights and freedoms due to awareness brought from the spontaneous and grassroots movement of the Truckers across Canada (and USA); and the firm stand they are actively taking in Ottawa ON.

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