*From VLP Archive: Body Cam Fatal Shooting Man Point Gun At Officer LMPD August 13-2019

3 years ago

#officerinvolvedshooting #policeshooting #LouisvilleMetroPoliceDepartment
NOTE: Officer Involved Shooting From Video Leak Police Archive.

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Louisville, Kentucky --- Louisville Metro Police Department released 2 Body Camera footage from two officers involved in a fatal shooting yesterday 8/13/19.

Louisville Metro Police Officers Carlyn Alexander and officer Lenert Elzy responded to a report of a domestic assault yesterday Tuesday 8/13/19 around 9:30 p.m. Anthony Wane French Senior 49 years old was shot and killed after he pointed a gun at one of the officer saying "I have gun, back up". The critical incident occurred at a home in the 2600 block of Greenwood Avenue, Police Chief Steve Conrad said in briefing about the incident.

Police said French and his ex-wife had a history of domestic violence.

French’s son said he was thankful police arrived and got to his father before he killed them.

He said French and his mother were arguing over a bill. He said his father had been drinking and wasn’t in his right mind. He said French pistol whipped both him and his mother. They’d spent hours at the hospital after the shooting getting stitches.

WAVE 3 News Troubleshooters obtained French’s record showed he’d spent the majority of his adult life in prison. In 2003, he was arrested after officers found a “large quantity” of pictures of children performing sexual acts. There were other charges for drugs, public intoxication and a DUI. His record also showed he’d been arrested for assault four other times.

More details and information in a LMPD briefing in the video.

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