FAUCI SUMMARY VIDEO 16 = Chapter 5, Part B: The HIV Heresies

3 years ago

BOOK, Page 184: At a point in time before the late 1980’s when the AIDS epidemic started - the “press” had actual skepticism towards our elected and bureaucratic authorities - this has since been suspended and anything that is said by Fauci, or anyone besides the orange man in government, is hailed as indisputable doctrine.

The AIDS epidemic was when “Science” became whatever the NIH and NIAID proclaimed it was - the concept of competing theories and vigorous debate was catapulted from public discourse. From this point forward - it WAS what they said it was and anyone who questioned that or offered another explanation was demeaned, silenced, unfunded, and sometimes arguably 187’ed.

This was also the time that PCR tests became hailed as the indicator for “infection”.

BOOK, Page 185: “…scientists implemented a wide-ranging HIV testing program using indiscriminate PCT tests capable of amplifying tiny strands of long-dead genetic debris billions of times.” SO…. “… PCD was capable of finding HIV signals in large segments of the population who suffered no threat from HIV and had no live HIV virus in their bodies.”

Be sure and check out my video on PCR tests for more on that!

BOOK, Pages 186,187: AIDS diagnosis in Africa became a “garbage pail” definition for anyone sick with an uncertain diagnosis. Add this to the fact that PCR tests could find HIV or the antibody remnants thereof in a significant portion of the population, and you will understand how there became an AIDS crisis in Africa. It is argued in this book, that it was partially manufactured.

Scary, it seems like sometimes sickness is over-exaggerated by people who make the drugs to cure the sickness. Hmm.

BOOK, Page 194: There has been an underlying problem this entire time, the FACT that there are AIDS cases where there is NO TRACE OF HIV or HIV ANTIBODIES….. so how can HIV directly cause AIDS… what if a virus is not the soul cause? Why can’t we ask these questions?

We will continue this chapter in the next installment.

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