Canadian Truckers Wake the World Up to Tyranny

2 years ago

When Canadian truckers were told they would no longer be allowed to cross the border from the U.S. without showing proof of vaccination, they said “enough!” Tens of thousands of truckers formed the “Freedom Convoy” and converged on Ottawa in protest of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s draconian restrictions enacted in the name of the coronavirus. Supporters waving Canadian flags have braved sub-zero temperatures, cheering them on as they fight for their rights. The group has already raised over $8 million in support.

The convoy has received international attention from the likes of Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, and Jordan Peterson. Plus, the movement may inspire similar convoys in other countries, including the U.S.

John-Henry Westen, host of the John-Henry Westen Show, is a citizen and resident of Canada. Westen was in Ottawa to greet and report on the convoy. Lifesite News, of which Westen is the co-founder and editor-in-chief, has provided round the clock coverage of the Freedom Convoy. Westen described the number or outrageous restrictions taking place over the last two years and how the traditional media has essentially ignored them. He describes how he was unable to reach his daughter across the country in nearly 2 years. Westen also explains how Trudeau was able to get re-elected in September and why the Freedom Convoy can be transformative.

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