QUEEN OF ORION. In The Phantom Zone. Part 3

3 years ago

Duane The Great Writer shares information regarding....
1. The abrasive attitude driven aliens and their hand in bringing this simulated creation to the brink of implosion.
2. Its all in the doing, Life isn't a passive position. The big wake up to recognize what's taking place. Being, seeing and experiencing the ISSSNISSS reality beyond restrictions and authorities.
Duane The Great Writer answers the following questions....
1. Can we have the potential complete Vu of all creational simulators.
2. Is there more than one ISSS.
3. Why is it that beings cant recognize the ISSS that they are and must go through creation to do so.
4. Is the ISSSNISSS layered, a tiered series of parts.
5. How you recognize the positions you are in.
6. If the imagination is the hardest aspect of the personal self to get through, as it is tied to the subconscious.

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