Kanepju giant oak, Jerceni, Latvia

2 years ago

57°42'05.7"N 25°39'41.0"E
57.701584, 25.661377
Bensound - Newdawn
No Copyright Music

The circumference of the stem is 9,2-9.4 m, high is 16-17 m, the crown projection is 19.5 × 19 m. This is the second largest giant oak, both in Latvia and in the Baltic. The tree is believed to be around 800 years old.
Several centuries ago, perhaps in the 19 th century, a lightning strike has been struck in the Kanepju giant oak, this formed a large cavity in which 8 people can fit in. The cavity has three entrances— a big gap in the north, a small gap in the south, the third opening is up against the sky.

This is believed that this oak has been a sacred oak.


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