💥 State-Sanctioned Murder 💥

3 years ago

[The Vigilant @beercan45 Awakened Outlaw - We The Media]:

I applaud this Dr. for daring to speak the ugly truth about vaccines and the pandemic writ large. We need more of you to follow suit.

Why? It's simple.

The chances of us having the Nuremburg 2.0 Trials occur to hold those complicit in these crimes against humanity are clocking in currently at 117%. Truth be told, it's best to get yourselves on the right side (truth) now as helping shed light on the matter may be the only thing that will save your narrow-asses in the end.

What I am certain of is that those who are guilty of knowingly perpetrating these crimes against their fellow human beings will pay dearly for their transgressions - against both God & man. In fact, I'd actually encourage all of them to work on putting all their affairs in order, perhaps even retaining counsel..'cuz it's coming & it's gonna hurt.

When all is said and done history will long regard what happened over the past few years as one of the most egregious & ugly crimes ever committed against mankind.


>> Credit: The Vigilant @beercan45 Awakened Outlaw - We The Media

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