Convoy to Canberra (Aus) Rally - Police smash truck window - Feb 14, 2022

3 years ago

This was the one part of the rally where things got quite aggressive between the Federal Police and the crowd. A truck from the convoy had been driven up the ramp to Parliament house safely and slowly through the crowd of tens of thousands of people, all who were cheering it on. The Police did not want him there and told him to move to the right down the exit road, he did not comply and kept going. Police smashed the driver’s window and pepper sprayed inside the cab, ultimately arresting the driver. The Police escalated not only against the truck but also against the crowd that just happened to be there. I was pushed and shoved for no real purpose, women and children were manhandled also, it was a bottleneck so not sure where the thousands of people were supposed to go. Looked like cooler heads prevailed quickly and the officers were pulled back, best not to incite a crowd that outnumbered you 100 to 1. Should the driver have complied? Most probably. This was the only incident of any real aggression through the day, but was one the mainstream media were able to use to dilute the message of a massive peaceful protest.

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