20220215 - Liberty Minute

3 years ago

I'm Peter Serefine and this is the Liberty Minute for Tuesday, day 702 of 15 days to flatten the curve.
Canadian Prime Minister, Trudeau, has invoked emergency powers because of the truckers' Freedom Convoy.
Last week Trudeau called the protests a small fringe minority, this week he is assuming the most power he is allowed to stop it.
After freezing the bank accounts of people and groups who have supported the protest, Trudeau wants to freeze more bank accounts. The Canadian government will also go after the companies that own trucks used in blockades by suspending their insurance.
Americans have been stopped at the border to prevent them from joining the protests and Businesses have been ordered closed.
Man, this seems like an awful lot of fuss for a small fringe minority. Maybe the Canadian government realized that the majority are against mandates.
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Until tomorrow, Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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