The State of Spiritual Warfare Against America, & State of the Church

3 years ago

A Word To God’s People
Why does the Lord give such visions to His people? Because He wants us to stand up and fight and pray against all the plans of the Devil! God reveals the secret things!
“Surely the Lord god does nothing,
Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.
A lion has roared!
Who will not fear?” Amos 3:7-8
God not only reveals His secrets to His prophets, He reveals Satan’s secrets as well. Please, every one of you who reads this, consider this a call to prayer and war. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you how to pray about/in this battle.

“Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groaning's which can not be uttered.” Romans 8:26
We urge you to do several things. Keep a copy of this newsletter, and give a copy to others. Each day, put it in front of you and pray through each point Satan made to his servants. Ask God to put a halt to each one of Satan’s plans! Go into God’s courtroom and lodge your petitions against Satan’s petitions. The law of Honor and Dishonor: You must not leave the enemy’s statements unanswered or else your claim and your case are forfeited and abandoned. You must pray and speak up. Remember, Satan is right now standing in God’s courtroom petitioning God to be able to do all that he has planned and instructed his servants to do. If we don’t go into that courtroom as well and petition against Satan, then God
will have to grant Satan what he is asking for. How do you go into God’s courtroom? Simple. “Father, in the name of Jesus, I request to come before you in your courtroom. I am requesting to counter petition Satan. . . .” Amen.
Pray for your government leaders, pastors and teachers. Pray for those you know by name. Ask God to bind up the demons who are seeking to control them. Ask God to send them to chains of everlasting darkness in the place of the chamber (Psalm 149 the Judgment that is Written, Jude 1)Ask God to destroy Satan’s weapons of mass destruction so that they malfunction and disarm each demon warrior.
Ask God to strengthen His angels and give them power energy skill strategy and strength.
Pray about the conflicts going on RIGHT NOW! Ask God to cause all schemes and weapons being used against our people of truth and freedom to malfunction. All schemes to be exposed and the wicked brought to justice. The forces of good to advance and Miraculous victories of Jesus to break out miraculously. Auditing all 50 states and exposing the Elite Cabal of satan. Ask God to send His spirit into each sleeping and unaware american and westerner and freedom-lover to open the door for the gospel and the Truth and the Holy Spirit. Pray for the restoration of our legitimate, constitutional, righteous, Christian, moral, American, just, pure, great, godly, Heaven-honoring, clean, safe, protective, powerful, loyal American government from the clutches of the Leftist Satanist Coup d’état of November 3, 2020. Pray that the Europeans and Westerners and freedom lovers around the world will be successful in their protest demonstration and campaigns for freedom and resisting the demonic tyranny in the wicked worldly governments of the nations.

Pray for our soldiers, for their strength, For their conscience, for their souls, for their loyalty to the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights and to the people and two legitimate government, for their ability to get free and overcome evil no matter where it isfor their encouragement, for their protection.

Ask God to bind up the demons that are in this vision and against all of those that are attacking all of us everywhere. Pray against all the demonic entities that are inspiring the service of wickedness and the left, tyrannical governments, tyrannical forces agencies and groups, criminals and terrorists and people like BLM and antifa, and any other gestapo or other servant of the darkness, the Devil, the Left, or of wickedness and of these demonic principalities from the vision, and all their forces and anything that is in this satanic plan or that the Lord has shown you.

Do deliverance do spiritual warfare do exorcisms speak in the name of Jesus Christ and on his blood to cast out and feed and bind up and destroy the enemy. If you speak in the name of Jesus and all his blood and in his blood you will win and if you use the sword of spirit which is Bible verses used against the enemy with intent of your spoken word of mouth.

Pray for our marriages. Pray for your own marriage. Daily command all demons attacking you and your family to be bound up and to cease functioning. Refuse to allow the thief to steal from you! (See Unbroken Curses) Take authority over the thief and command him to return everything he is trying to steal from you. Break curses, legal rights, chains, tethers, ropes of evil, and oppressions.
Ask the Holy Spirit to alert you when the thief is in operation in your life. Fight the deliverance fight always in Jesus’s name.

Don’t get discouraged! Don’t fall into Satan’s trap of thinking that you are just one small person. Just one small person who cannot make a difference. Yes you can! Remember, God told Abraham that He would
spare Sodom if only 10 righteous people could be found in the city. (Genesis 18:17-33)
I like the note on this scripture in my Bible, it says, “From this we learn that it is not the presence of evil that brings God’s
mercy and long-suffering to an end; rather, it is the absence of good!” Can you find 10 other people in your city to join with you weekly to pray over this message? To pray over your city, your government, your
families and churches? If so, your city can be spared.
War is upon us, dear brothers and sisters! We can no longer ignore it. Difficult times are in front of us. We must fight. We must war in prayer, or the consequences will be too terrible to think about. We must take authority over the spirits of darkness Because Jesus Christ gave us all authority over evil spirits to defeat them. We must speak out in our nation, in our government, in our schools, in our churches. Look at this vision and pray against all the spiritual warfare the dark side and pray for the empowerment of God’s angels and God and his kingdom and healthy individual believers and servants of God who want the truth and freedom and Jesus and common sense and that they will also get saved and then everyone will follow the Holy Spirit of Jesus and pray and act. Pray that God’s angels will get all the strength and energy and power and help that they need and more and much much more abundantly more.

Take courage, God’s word has this to say:
“He who dwells in the secret place of the most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty,
I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.’
Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
No evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.”
Psalm 91:1-2
“Arise, Shine,
For your light has come!
And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,
And deep darkness the people;
But the Lord will arise over you,
And His glory will be seen upon you.”
Isaiah 60:12

(This channel is not connected to harvest warriors or Dr. Brown or Daniel Yoder, it is my sole purpose to share the revelation that God has given to the Yoders through their ministry)

The songs are from Terry Macalmon and Michael W. Smith to support their ministry please visit their website.

Pray for all the people everywhere in the world, for everyone or anyone who might do what is good or stand up and speak out or do something right, whether they are in places of authority and leadership and power or whether they’re just a every day average person, whether they know something or what they don’t know anything, pray that God will empower them to pray and to speak up and to do something and to get involved and to act and pray and use God’s power and to do what God has planned and to fight the fight and the victories that God has prepared for them.

Remember that you never have to be scared, not have any damage if any of those lawyers not if any of those entities not have any creature and none of the devil himself. The name of Jesus the blood of Jesus and the sword of the spirit the spoken word of God, and the truth and the whole armor of God is sufficient and God has given you all the power you need and he is with you he is right there with you it’s a 2-on-one battle against the devil you’re not alone you never have to be scared of him Jesus Father and Spirit are with you. Use the sword of the spirit, pray, ask God for angels to help, use the promises, speak in the name and on the blood of Jesus. You can win you have all the power and more that you need to beat him, God has given it, so you can beat any of the devils servants.

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