2022-02-15 The Right Overnight News for today.

2 years ago

Here is the info for today's post and the links you might wish to check out.

Newsmax - via Gateway Pundit: Interview with Kash Patel mentions that there was an inside "source" that gave access to internet data.
Worth a watch on Newsmax on this link. NSC, and other offices like the VP's office have been accessed. This was 5 years ago! And they went after Trump with the Russia Hoax.

Digression on the Personality of Hillary Clinton:
I was asked to describe Hillary in one word and I used the word Psychopath. Please follow the link to understand the difference between Sociopath and Psychopath.
Breitbart: Trudeau wants to use Terrorist Financing laws against truckers, to go after funding companies like GiveSendGo.
Now that is a police state action. Too bad the USA didn't used this on Antifa or BLM.
News on Ukraine - From Ukraine and other European sources:
Russian Mercs are already on the ground inside Ukraine. This is a little-known site that the MSN won't quote.
BusinesStandard: The US is offering 1Billion in loan guarantees.
Critics have said this is another deeper tie with Ukraine and makes it more difficult to shake off our interference with their political system. (I sort of agree).
NEWSWEEK: State Department warning US Citizens to avoid Moldova.
This tiny country also has a border dispute supported by Russia. The area is on the east side of this country even though it is surrounded by Romania and Ukraine and the anger is quite intense there. Ukraine.https://www.newsweek.com/state-dept-urges-americans-avoid-moldova-due-ukraine-situation-1679207?piano_t=1
KyivPost.com: Zelensky Sarcasm caused markets to move.
Zelensky made a joke, and by saying, IRONICALLY, that the plan to invade was 16 February, some markets moved erratically.
KyivPost: More on the previous comment.
The statement about the 'Planned Invasion' as if he had some discussion with Russia (its a joke), was on the day Zelensky suggested that Feb 16 should be a day of "Unity"
was on the day Zelensky suggested that Feb 16 should be a day of "Unity"
Two articles from Israeli news sources show that they have totally different sources.
Jerusalem Post: Russia will respond to any attacks on "Russians", anywhere.
This implies that any ethnic Russians in the Donbas region being attacked will get a Russian response, supposedly a military one. Seems to be setting up a reason to invade. It's a very short note by Vladimir Tissov, a Russian envoy.

IsraelNationalNews: Israel is stopping sales of the Iron Dome defense system to Ukraine.
The reason? Because it could anger the Russians and then involve Israel in the conflict. Israel has deeper ties with Russia; arms sales and citizen movements.
From-the-Other-Side (FOS)
FOS - MSNBC: Finally they speak about the "spying" claim by Trump.
They focus on the supposed "threat" of hurting someone because Trump said in a previous time they would be hung.
CNN: No coverage of the spying story; they rather write about an accountant's story about Trump's messy financials.
TWITCHY: But wait, maybe I am wrong.
Brian Stelter apparently gave some hints to coverage by mocking Fox (again).
CNN: Says the Sarah Palin case will be thrown out. Although, the judge admitted that this case will probably go to appeal.
TheNewsNigeria.com: Henry Kissinger says "The West must understand that, to Russia, Ukraine can never be just a foreign country."
Odd that this Story is from a Nigerian site. I have not found it on Washington Post from where it was said to originate. Kissinger wrote this and I am not sure of the date of issuance. But his quote is accurate, in my opinion.
Deeper Insight on Ukraine from Academics studying politics closer to the situation:
KyivPost: Putin's Gameplan -Occupying Europe Without Troops.
Cutting off natural gas is the biggest and most evil weapon; and he is not afraid to use it.
Ukraine Online Discussion with Deputy Prime Minister
On Thursday at 15:30 Ukraine time, or 08:30 NY time, there will be an online forum with Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister re current situation. You can register to join. http://bit.ly/3Jq8pa8 [LeeReltu gmail]
China-China-China: Viral anti-Xi article was allowed to spread inside CCP.
Analysts say it is a warning that Xi might not get his third term. Interesting that it wasn't censored.
Summit News: Jon Stewart lambasted by his own team.
Jon came out in defense of Joe Rogan and of course, the left excoriated him. Typical of Marxist ideology.
And finally, a sobering reminder "America is Focusing on the Wrong Enemy".
I agree. China should be in focus and we need Russia on our side. We work with them in space already. And soon China will own space - and from there, the world. Any conflict will have China on-TOP of us.
Humor: Winsome Sears uses High Heel shoes instead of a Gavel.
I like this lady.

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