MONOPOLY: Who Owns the World? (Reloaded) [18.10.2021]

2 years ago

Note: Why is 'David Sorensen' and quiet? Another Satanic Psyop? 'Your Silence gives Consent" - Plato
My Last mail 29. nov 2021 from Stop World Control <> Download mail:
Too horrendous forwords... can this be true?
Dear friends,

The past weeks I have been working incredibly hardon a report that exposes the greatest horror in thisworld, that I know of right now: millions of children are every day being raped,tortured and murdered by the royal families,top politicians, celebrities, and many other highprofile people in the world.

This revealing in depth report is in Dutch, for the people ofThe Netherlands and Belgium. It will however impact thewhole world...

Because the Netherlands is in many ways at thevery heart of a lot of the worst evil in the world.
One example: one of the main secret societies thatcontrol governments, industries, religions, media,etc. is called the Bilderberg Group. During theirprivate meetings, the wealthiest of the world gatherto discuss how they will rule humanity without thevoice of the people. They choose and appoint politicalleaders, steer the media, etc.

This Bilderberg group was founded by… theDutch Royal family. Just one example.

So for those who have been waiting for an email fromme: I had to build this big project.

The report isshocking, as it features different testimonies, eye witnesses and victims, from four nations in Europe,who all say the EXACT SAME thing:

The elite is deeply satanic, involved inorganized worldwide networks of pedophelia,satanic abuse and sacrifice of children.

The evidence is undeniable. There are also twovideos from former CIA and FBI directors, whoconfirm this to be true. The CIA guy even explainshow the CIA traffics children to the rich and powerful.

This is the worst evil in the world. Children are evenbeing eaten by some of these monsters.

You can see the Dutch report here, although you maywant to wait for the English version I ampreparing.

I have dozens of testimonies from victims andwitnesses from the USA, Australia, UK, etc. and evenmore confirmations by the FBI.
If anyone of you have powerful testimonies andevidence, feel free to send it to me. Also pray for meplease, as this is very hard. Often, when I have seenthe evidence, I just have to cry, because it is soheartbreaking.

The ONLY reason this can go on, is because people have a habit of denying it, and looking the other way.

This is also used to control the victims:

My goal with these in depth reports is to provide so muchevidence that nobody will be able to deny it, with a clearconscience.

The Dutch report is going viral as I speak, with tens ofthousands of views in the very first day. It is stirring thegovernment already...

The coming weeks I will be working on the internationalversin of this report, so again: please pray for me, to finishthis well.

This can awake humanity like nothing else...

Besides that I am also working on a video that proves howthe covid vaccines are changing the human DNA. This isalmost done, so be ready...

And a video is almost finished of a very powerful interview Idid with a world renown scientist who has a 100% succesflcure for covid. (Idiot, it is NOT a Virus they don't exsist=

His treatment slashed the covid death rate inBolivia from a 100 deaths a day, to zero! He explains that governments are hiding this from the world, because theywant to dramatically reduce the world population and buildtheir New World Order. I hope to release this video verysoon.

And I am making a very encouraging video that showshow dozens of nations around the world are joiningforces with the white hats in America to take down theNew World Order. So there is HOPE!

I am also working on a report that lists all the scientificevidence about masks, and the deadly health hazards theypose. This will be a major tool for the world to expose thecrimes of their governments, who are mandating masks, thatliterally kill their people.

Besides that I am preparing informative flyers that summarizethe facts on covid, vaccines, masks, ec, that you will be ableto print and hand out.

And I am working on a document that reveals stunningevidence how the PCR test swabs indeed are designedto ADMINISTER NANO PARTICLES AND DRUGS to thepeople.

It’s not a test, it’s a delivery device!

FOCUS ON CHILDRENI realize I have to focus now on revealing the childabuse, by the authorities in our nations, because this has the potential to break their hold over the masses.

They only have power over the world, becauseof the blind faith of the masses in theauthorities. People believe everything thegovernment and media says.

Much love,
David Sorensen

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