And it way too late to expect us. We are the people.

2 years ago

Greeting citizens of Norway.

This is not anonymous.

But with an important message to you all.

If you still believe in what your government tells you is true.
And you still believe in the plandemic restrictions.

Then, please stop watching this video.
There's no hope left for you, and we don't want to waste your precious time.

But for those who still wants to fight for there freedom.
And want to get there life´s back!

Keep listening.

It is time to wake up the rest of the norwegian population, if that is possible.
This will probably not be an easy task.

We have tried to convince you the people a couple of times that the media is lying to you.
And they do not tell you the whole truth.

Even the norwegian fact check website is not one hunderd prosent honest.
And they are very partisan to the side of the media and the norwegian government.

Do you know this website is owned by VG, dagbladet, NRK, tv2, Amedia and Polaris Media

This makes it so much easier for them to say that they have fact checked everything.
But the truth is something else.

They are just producing another false truth.

That truth is only to their own advantage.
Not in the advantage of the norwegian people.

We have tried to talk and convince, too those who blindly believe in the media, and the norwegian government.
But they just stare at us with red and white empty eyes.

This is not because they do not understand what we are trying to say.
But, because they are so indoctrinated by the government media system that they do not know anymore what is true or false.

This is because the state uses hypnosis techniques in all corona press conferences.
This technique is called, "Shah Tajm".

It is a stimulus inducing hypnosis.
When this is done correctly, the normal people will never see it.

Therefore, it is also completely correct to say.
The Norwegian Media is the virus.

The Norwegian media is jointly responsible for the current crisis in Norway.
The Norwegian media is also jointly responsible for the segregation of the population.

Norwegians assistant director of Health Espen Nakstad.
Is a selfish and totally incompetent individual for the job he is having.

This man is a shareholder in a company called EpiGuard.

They are selling infection control equipment.
Espen is shareholder with 2.6 percent shares.

During this plandemic, this company twenty doubled there profit.
Thanks to this idiot, Espen Nakstad.

When this man is saying on tv that he is worried.

Trust us.
He is not worried about the norwegian people at all.

He is worried that his income will disappear when this plandemic stops.
And the government no longer wants to buy stuff from Epiguard anymore.

Your Prime Minister Jonas Støre, has a close family relationship with his Minister of Finance Trygve slagsvold Vedum.
As støre´s wife is a slagsvold and is in the family from Vedum.

Camilla Stoltenberg, who is the sister of your former Prime Minister of Norway and current NATO general secretary Jens Stoltenberg.
A man who, through incompetent, dishonest politicians and former corrupt party comrades, got himself the job as CEO of Norway's central bank.

The dirty game of favoritism between Støre, Vedum and Jens Stoltenberg, has been going on for a long time.

This dirty game must be stopped very soon.
They want to use everybody like there own puppets.

They want to kill the norwegian economy, by raising the prices of electricity, fuel, food, drink and transport,
So high that soon no one can afford to buy anything and become dependent on your Norwegian leaders.
Those leaders wants you to be there slaves.

The leaders you who have elected with the last election.
The leaders that say.
Now it's ordinary people's turn!

The leaders that are payed double holiday pay, because they think,
They work so much harder than the rest of the norwegian people.

The leaders that have a commuter house, even when they live within the 40 km driving distance from the Parliament.
Because they just don´t want to travel with the ordinary norwegian citizens.

Because they see themselves at upper class, and not as low as you the norwegian people.
The real working class.

This is one of the thing we mean by "the great reset" of the woldt economic forum.
But nobody believed us.

They will become even more powerful and richer.

Even Satan wouldn't play such a dirty game with his own people.

Between these false politicians there is insider trading, and horse trading deals are made.
It is very prone to corruption with entering into agreements that are done on a family basis.

Politicians cooperate on a family basis at cross-party levels.
Are not beneficial to the people of Norway or to their party.

Then one must assume that the loyalty too the family.
Is much greater than the loyalty too the Norwegian people.

But it is not only these particular politicians.
You also have some of Norway's biggest traitors.

All prime ministers of Norway from Nineteen Eighty Six to twenty twenty two.

Who were elected by you, the Norwegian people
Sold Norway to the EU, without even blinking.

Despite that the Norwegian population on several occasions.
In both in 1972 and in 1994 in norwegian people clearly said NO to join the EU.
But, as always they do not care about the opinion of there own people.

They do certainly not listen to what the Norwegian people say.
They don´t have the interests of the norwegian people in focus.

But mainly their own interest and of there dishonest comrades.
And of course their own wallet.

When most of the Norwegian people are struggling to survive, and to make things meet at end of the month.
And many small and large businesses go bankrupt, due the incompetence of the norwegian government.

Even with the pocket money that the government is giving them.
They have lost their income due this plandamic, and the lack of help from the norwegian government.

But let us see what these politicians and their dishonest comrades have earned thanks to this plandemic.

Camilla stoltenberg.
Four million sixty thousand one hundred and sixteen kroner.

Espen Nakstad.
Three million six hundred fifteen thousand nine hundred seventeen kroner.

Bent Høie.
One million two hundred eighty-six thousand ninety-three kroner.

Ingvild Kjerkol.
Eight hundred and ninety-six thousand eight hundred and forty-five kroner.

And last but certainly not the least.

Line Vold.
She earned three million six hundred fifteen thousand nine hundred seventeen kroner.
She has a fortune of sixty million one hundred eighty-nine thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven kroner.

And then you have this power price crisis.
As By EU definition, we have no electricity crisis.

Your Minister of Energy Marte Mjøs Persen says.
That we can not restrict exports via foreign cables because it is contrary to our international obligations.

She does not say anything about what these international obligations norway is having are.
But we know that she is talking about the EEA agreement.

A joint agreement with EU Energy Union and the EU Energy Agency ACER.
This deal was made by your beloved ex Prime Minister Erna Solberg.

A woman that can not stop eating or playing pokemon game on the the job.
A woman that says that a new world order is just a crazy conspiracy theory.

But at the same time she says that the basic principles of a new world order are in the best interests for Europe.
Erna Solberg is simply a selfish super globalist and control freak.

Erna is rather spending and wasting billions on corrupt countries, then spending this money on her own people.
Because she is hoping to get a tax-free international job by bribing leader of those countries.

The sky-high electricity prices this autumn and winter are the result of this EEA agreement, and is not only Støres biggest headache.
It's the lying and cheating to the norwegian people, and his dirty favoritism politics that will hurt him the most.

Prime Minister Jonas Støre asked all people to have a safe distance of 1 meter and using common sense.
But the very next day he gave a damn about his own rules at a bar in Oslo.

When asked by some media, he says.
It does not matter if you lean against someone and get closer than 1 meter.

Ex Prime Minister Solberg broke her own infection control rules.
When she celebrated her 60th birthday in Geilo.

When asked by some media, she says.
I'm sorry for this.

When are you.
The people of Norway have enough of those lies and drama queen acting.
These people are fucking with you.
They do not give a shit about you.

They want total control over you.
Your property.
Your refrigerator.
Your life.

Even the royal family is shitting on you.

The norwegian prince Haakon is selling Norway to the germans.
He said in a interview with the german newspaper.

One power cable to Germany is not enough, this is just the beginning.

The prince of Norway, made himself with these words an offender of the country Norway.
He violated the Penal Code section 111.

Violation of Norway's independence and peace through the use of force, threats or in any other unlawful manner.
Causes danger that Norway or part of Norway.

And it is the unlawful manner that makes him an offender.

This can be punished with imprisonment up to 15 years.
And is punishable by anyone who violates this law.
And nobody is above the law, not even the so-called royal family.

Because the norwegian people said in november 1994, NO to a European Union membership.

We think we can really say out loud now that.
Norway is truly the last communist state in Europe.

We are not anonymous.

But we are a legion.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget

And it way too late to expect us.

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