delicious buttery scrambled eggs breakfast part2 #shorts

3 years ago

The best recipe for making scrambled eggs with butter, it is a delicious dish for your children and family for breakfast and dinner, and it is easy and quick to prepare for one person in less than five minutes

Danielle Alvarez's buttery scrambled eggs
I once worked as a breakfast cook and I can tell you I've made a lot of eggs this way, and people always love them. Whisking the eggs vigorously helps ensure a velvety texture. Once the butter has coated the bottom of the pan, push the remainder right to the centre and it will gently melt into the egg folds.


6 eggs
40g butter, cold
finely chopped chives
salt and pepper
toast, to serve


Crack eggs into the bowl and whisk very well.
Set a nonstick pan over low-medium heat. Add in the butter and swirl around, but before it melts, add in the eggs. Let the eggs set for 10 seconds then use a rubber spatula to pull the set eggs into the centre to form soft egg folds. Continue folding, being sure to keep the butter in the middle.
When the egg is almost set and has no runny bits, plate onto two plates.
Season with salt and pepper and scatter with chopped chives. Serve with toasted sourdough.

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