Celtic Badass - The Over Mountain Men

3 years ago

Ye Olde Scot - the Celtic culture channel.
Celtic Badass - In September of 1780, a super hardcore Scottish officer named Patrick Ferguson put together an angry mob of pissed-off American loyalists, rampaged across the countryside in a swatch of flaming destruction, and then very publicly informed the colonists of the Southern colonies that if they dared to resist the might of the British Crown, he would "march his army over the mountains, hang their leaders, and lay their country waste with fire and sword."

The colonists responded with one of the most bizarre, mysterious, and badass military actions ever taken in the history of warfare – by organizing into the world's most heavily-armed Neighborhood Watch out of pissed-off bear-hunting frontiersmen, marching across the Appalachians, destroying Ferguson and his entire force in a single battle, and then marching back across the mountains and vanishing, never to be heard from again. Though the details are a little better now than they were at the time, to this day we still don’t really know who most of these guys were, how many of them were present at the battle, or what happened to them after the fighting ended. And because none of the soldiers involved in this conflict belonged to any organized army, combat regiment, or militia, we know them today only as The Overmountain Men. And their story is just as weird as you might imagine.

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