Battlefield 2042 Raytracing Sucks! Nvidia RTX Gameplay Trailer Wallhacks + Low FPS Fail

3 years ago

Nvidia released a new gameplay trailer for Battlefield 2042 featuring raytracing, new maps, guns and showcasing the wallhack specialist. With Battlefield 2042 release date so close, showing low fps raytracing gameplay and borken specialist footage is not going to help your sales. No-one wants hacks added into their competitive FPS, and when your customers tell you it's bad, Dice keeps adding it to their trailers.

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I had a lot of fun in the Battlefield 2042 beta but from a public perception standpoint, it didn't come away with glowing praise. Dice needs to be on their A game, show they have fixed the problems, the performance issues people were having. So a low fps trailer which is the best case scenario for a feature run on the best hardware, is terrible optics. This is not how you increase your sales of Battlefield 2042. And that's ignoring the literal game hacks you are coding into your own game to see people through walls.

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