( -0297 ) Doug Ford is Lifting the Vaccine Passport in Ontario March 1st ...But Lies About The Reason

3 years ago

Doug Ford is Lifting the Vaccine Passport in Ontario March 1st ...But Lies About The Reason and implies the truckers were actually impeding him from doing so earlier.. Meanwhile Jordan Peterson, perhaps out of ignorance, betrays the Trucker Convoys of the world by suggesting that the truckers should be satisfied before mask mandates are ended. (Surgical and cloth masks remain of dubious value for protection, except where a contagious and symptomatic person is forced to be in the company of loved one's or otherwise forced to be in a social setting.
But is it an extreme and dangerous course of logic to consider whether masking the general public is both a way to starve young people of oxygen to reduce IQ [not kidding], and a method for imposters and anarchists to blend into the crowd and implicate the innocent?)
Unless the tyrants that brought us so many lies and tyranny are rooted out, they WILL put measures like this right back into place the first chance they get, so I believe that good Canadians will hold the line.

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