January 6: Timing Tenney at the Columbus Doors

3 years ago

After watching my video asking questions about George Amos Tenney III opening the east Columbus doors on January 6, Rep. Adam Kinzinger responded that "to open this door you have to hold it for a few seconds."

To be fair, we now have clear photos of the sign by the door, which instructs to hold for 3 seconds, then wait for 15 seconds for the door locks to disengage.

I am an objective thinker, so I timed Tenney pushing the doors. His first press lasts less than a second. This is evidenced by the door and crash bar relaxing as his pressure leaves, and his arm appears to lift.

Tenney then pressed the left door again. This second time he held longer, but still less than two seconds.

The third time, Tenney presses the right door for less than two seconds.

There was at least 15 seconds after both the first and second releases, but not the third. So were either of those presses 3 seconds long, we can assume (if the sign is accurate) that the door should open.

However, it appears Tenney did not make a 3 second press which we are told is needed to disengage those locks.

It is possible that technical failures released the locks in less than 3. It's also very possible that Adam Kinzinger is a liar. [He is, but even liars sometimes tell the truth].

Strangely, Kinzinger also claimed that Tenney was talking to other protestors on the balcony, and that those protestors instructed Tenney how to disengage the door. If so, please release the footage! Release all of it. The people want to see the truth for themselves.

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