What is the best way to start making money online with affiliate marketing?

3 years ago

What is the best way to start making money online with affiliate marketing?

Well first you'll want to choose the best affiliate marketing program available.

You'll want to make sure they have amazing products and services that actually help people.

You want to be able to start promoting as quickly as possible so a program that doesn't require you to apply and get reviewed to be approved is super helpful.

Even better is if it doesn't require a purchase for you to start getting credit.

Simply give away free accounts to whatever you're an affiliate marketer for & earn money whenever they decide to upgrade.

Similarly, you'll want residual income on recurring payments plus you'll want a healthy percentage for those payments.

Shoot for something like 40 percent commissions on direct sales and even additional 10 percent on a second tier.

You'll also want to make sure that you have free training provided for the software you're promoting along with some promotional tools that you can use for free.

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