Conversation with Laurie Frazier: ETs, why they are here, and how does that affect us

3 years ago

It was a pleasure to speak with the fellow imaginal cell my dear friend Laurie again. In this wide-ranging conversation, we spoke about the nature of reality, the role of ETs. We spoke about some of the dark ETs who have ruled this planet. We talked about Canadian truckers and how they are affecting consciousness. We talked about the beautiful and true nature of the human spirit.

Laurie Frazier has been a spiritual teacher for over 40 years. She had a degree in Theology by the age of 22 from Boston College. She is a Chopra Certified Instructor and Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor.

She founded a conscious community called The House of Moksha (aka The Moon Show) that met twice a month for 7 years on the new and full moon. A youth group was born out of this thriving community. Principles of consciousness, mindfulness, meditation, & shadow work were taught along with an exploration of other religious celebrations, astrology, alignment with nature and the cosmos, healthy living, etc.

A life long truther, rebel, and freedom lover. Laurie is a practical mystic with a mission to “free the slaves”—slaves to your past, limiting beliefs, addictions, negative emotions, and toxic relationships.

As a transformational life coach, Laurie assists her clients in becoming emotionally free —so they are free to step into their authenticity and create a life they’ve only dreamed.

She can be found on all the socials as Maven of Moksha. Moksha is a Sanskrit sutra (mantra with meaning) that means emotional freedom, liberation, nirvana.

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About the Host:
Hamid (alchemist mystique) is a Life Coach who works with the awakening masses to get them to discover their hidden treasures by guiding them through deep transformational journeys. Hamid knows that every single human being can be massively powerful if only they had access to their own often latent internal guidance system. Hamid has empowered many people to change their life drastically. Through simple conversations Hamid has been able to shed light and create hope in difficult situations. Hamid is an aikido black belt and a trained Daka who has been practicing improv theater for a decade. Over the years in his extensive spiritual studies, Hamid has studied the teachings of Carlos Castaneda, Druvnalo Melchidazek, Juliet and Jiva Carter, Colin Joe Byrne among many others. Hamid holds a BSc in Computer Science from University of Toronto.

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