11/25/12 America Has Lost the Concept of Freedom and Individuality (Archive)

3 years ago

Do you have the right to serve whom you want with your own business? Were the restaurant Civil Rights "sit-ins" wrong?
00:00 Sun, Nov 25, 2012
00:39 Thanksgiving
01:48 Civil Rights sit-ins
15:49 My business, my right
20:10 The crowd is wrong
23:03 Blacks did well
25:10 Freedom slippery slope
28:21 NAACP vs older folks
36:31 Emergency situation?
44:49 Freedom, individuality
51:20 World we don't see
55:12 II Kings 6: 15-18
56:20 Support BOND

BOND Archive Sunday Service, November 25, 2012: Jesse Lee Peterson asks about the right of private business owners to discriminate based on race. During the so-called Civil Rights Movement, younger blacks led by the NAACP and others participated in "sit-ins" at private white restaurants and cafes, forcing owners to serve them. This always seemed wrong to Jesse as well as to older normal black Americans who don't go where they're not wanted.

Throwback Sunday Services premiere on BOND YouTube channel Wednesdays at 4 PM US Pacific Time (7 PM ET).

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://rebuildingtheman.com/11-25-12-america-has-lost-the-concept-of-freedom-and-individuality

ALSO ON SUBSTACK: https://rebuildingtheman.substack.com/p/112512-america-has-lost-the-concept

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday 11 AM Pacific Time at BOND in Los Angeles, California, USA - http://rebuildingtheman.com/church

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