O Canada by an American

3 years ago

As an adolescent during the shameful Watergate period, although, nowhere near as shameful as what happened to Trump, I remember hearing a poem on the radio by a Canadian that was accompanied by "God Bless America". He was taking the time to thank America for all of the great things America had done for the world, despite this dreadful incident, and process, while most of the world was busy kicking us while we were down.

I don't really know any Canadians, although, I know they have always fought bravely alongside Americans in war. This time I thought I needed to do something of encouragement while they were up there with their families freezing their keisters off defying true evil with peace and prayer.

Canada, America may have come up with some pretty nifty products and commodities, but there's NO commodity more precious than freedom, and you have done yeoman's work keeping it alive under harsh circumstances. God Bless You, from a humble, thankful American.

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