Aurora Good Humor Clean Up

3 years ago

There was a time; when you would hear that iconic music
a couple blocks away from your neighborhood.

Everyone was so happy on a hot summer day when
the Good Humor Truck rolled up!

After you finally made your decision on what you were getting,
you would wave good bye as the Good Humor driver slowly continued on his route to his next street.

Ahhh... the good ole days!
If you could; would you step back in time for a Good Humor treat?
I would!

The body still needs way more attention.
It needs new paint, decals for sure.

The chassis is a flamethrower. It came with the truck.

I think the truck needs some new, well, everything!

I kept it all original except for a front rim, front tire, and
I Think I added better brushes.

The shoes are silver plated. Someone loved this truck!

I had to put a shim on the rear screw post to lift it up off the tires.
You can see in the 'dirty' side views, the rear tires hit the fender wells.
Adding a temp shim took care of it.
If the truck had TJet style rims, it would not hit.

Its cute. I think I'll keep'er.
Maybe its time for ice cream, and a nice cup of cawfee!

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