Correct way to Unload a Shotgun: Shotgun Tips | Outdoor Jack

3 years ago

Do you know the correct way to unload your semi-auto shotgun? This is how you should unload your shotgun.

Step1 - Push up on the action lever.
Step 2 - Push the Action Release Button to remove one round from the magazine tube.
Step 3 - Push the Action release button to remove round two.
Step 4 - Press your bolt Lock button.
Step 5 - Rack the action to remove the last shotshell.

If you follow this method you never have to actually load another round in the chamber.
This is the GF1W 12 Gauge shotgun. This shotgun is under $500 and is the perfect shotgun for any hunting adventure. If you want to learn more about this shotgun go online to:

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