3 years ago

**NOTE** (We apologize for the technical issues in the beginning of the lesson. It gets corrected shortly. Thank you for your patience with us.)

Mike teaches today. 11/06/21


VERSES: Deuteronomy 19:15, 21:22-23; Isaiah 24:21; John 3:14-16



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HELP ME HELP YOU! This is the Cry of the Holy Spirit. We have the gift of the power of the Holy Spirit to equip us to have victory over sin, but WE have to yield our wills first to the Holy Spirit. He won’t run the evil out of us. We have to take up the whip ourselves and cast out whatever is defiling to our soul as Christ did the moneychangers from the Temple, in order to be an overcomer and attain unto the glorious Kingdom promises… Scripture tells us that Israel, a Nation called out of the World, and separated from other Nations by God, is the ‘wife’ and ‘first-born’ son of God, having already been declared by God to be so in the Old Covenant. It is in this well- known understanding that John the apostle sets forth his Gospel argument and appeal to Israel to accept Jesus as Christ the Messiah of the Nation and to follow Him in order that they might enter into the glorious Kingdom promised to them.

Whereas Christians, being the one new man in the Body of Christ (Ephesians 2), are neither ‘wife’ nor ‘first-born’ sons. They who believed in Christ’s Atonement are born from above in spirit, and are thereby removed out from the authority of satan over Gentiles and placed positionally in His Dear Son. They are, spiritually speaking, a New Nation raised up in heavenly places, and are forever more ‘children’ of God. These are then instructed to be ‘buried’ emblematically in Baptism/immersion into water, wherein the new inward man then emerges to walk in this World, but not of it, in a spiritual ‘resurrection’ leaving the old man in ‘death’ beneath. And typically being redeemed and raised up; no longer to be a man of the Earthly type walking by the flesh and earthly reason, but of a spiritual type; to walk in Christ’s Resurrection newness of life (Romans 6) as a heavenly type citizen. That is to say, to follow diligently and to be tutored (as a child) by the spirit/Holy Spirit through the Word of God and disciplined by the Father unto a worthy Christ-likeness. (Romans 8, Hebrews 12) And this further work that goes beyond justification is characterized by Paul as a ‘race’. If found worthy at the end of one’s race, one would attain the Prize of the First Resurrection (1st Corinthians 9, Philippians 3); and the inheritance of Brideship/being wed to Christ, and in type; being declared a ‘first-born’ son of God. (Revelation 19, Hebrews 2, Revelation 21:7)

So it is, that both these inheritances (that of marriage and first-born sons) are future events determined at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Both have to do with inheritance of a royal and glorious life (Romans 8, 2nd Corinthians 4), glorious life going beyond mere eternal life. For the justified (those that are ‘saved’ but never progress to a state of being sanctified) retain the threat of future punishment for their disobedience and unfaithfulness. (Modern Christianity has essentially taken a black magic marker and crossed out all scriptures pertaining to accountability. Or they misrepresent these scriptures of punishment as being intended for the Jew or for the ‘Lost’.) But an individual Christian has the conditional promise of wedding, in that all Christians are espoused to Christ. (2nd Corinthians 11:2) Only those who are found worthy are seen wedding Christ in the heavens above this Earth after they are caught up to be His Bride (Luke 20:35, Revelation 12:5) in the First-fruits Harvest and in the First Resurrection Harvest (Revelation 14:12-16), they being together then in Revelation 19:7-9. They then also are manifest as adopted first-born sons of God. (Romans 8:14-23, Hebrews 12)

Verse 11 “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness. (From an earthly perspective, it is John the Baptist to whom Christ refers to in the ‘we’ as one of the two witnesses, Himself of course being the other. Deuteronomy 19:15 declares that by the mouth of two or three witnesses, a matter is established.) This lack of believing the good report of the Witnesses being Christ’s indictment against Nicodemus and the Jewish rulers of Israel. It is typical of ancient Israel, the first-born of God, having been delivered/saved out of Egypt, having then passed through the Red Sea waters of Baptism, who are then presented with the prospect of entering and totally eliminating the wicked Canaan residents and thereby....


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