God is good all the time 439: Breaking Fellowship with 'Believers' That are Wrong

2 years ago

Yes this is a hard video to do as this is just that an explanation of something that this ministry must do. We are breaking fellowship with another ministry that has all the earmarks of a false teacher and wrong teachings (Another video to come soon). But just as Paul is teaching in 1Corinthians 5, any wrong that is not acceptable to God's Word and Teaching is not to be allowed into the fellowship of believers, or if one has fallen into the wrong they should be expelled from the fellowship until they had repented of such. This is the principle that Paul is teaching. And so we are breaking fellowship with this other ministry. IT is with deep hope and heavy prayers that we are praying that God will show them the error and turn them to be closer and in line with the truth that is taught by Jesus and the Disciples about all things.

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