Part 1 End Times Monetary System Written In Stone by Jesus

3 years ago

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Because of Technical difficulties: Part 2 Additional Footage OF Trucker Convoy + Plus Missing teachings OF Part 1
End of January, 2022
Evil men will not try to get their own way.
State will not own your children any more.
Women and men marry, raise their children themselves. Children are valuable to their parents again. Farm, Land, grow food, water out f wells, horses for transportation. Jesus Holy Spirit of the living God destroy Witchcraft, Empires, pharmaceuticals-Cars-manufactures
Jesus Christ is the very word of God brought forth by the Holy Spirit, End days The best money to have is silver dimes. A denarius is a pure silver dime.

Jesus: buy with silver dimes in Revelation.

Revelation 6:6 Christian Standard Bible 6 Then I heard something like a voice among the four living creatures say, “A quart of wheat for a denarius,[and three quarts of barley for a denarius, but do not harm the oil and the wine.”

Also get a Horse for transportation. Gas can always be stopped. Every energy can be. Get a horse for transportation. Again book of Revelation chapter 6
I am Fighting for my own freedom trusting and relying on God's Grace, his love for me!
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