Honourable Brian Peckford on the violation of the Canadian Charter of Right and Freedoms

3 years ago

Brian Peckford is one of the co-authors of the Canadian Charter of Right and Freedoms, which took 17 months to make. The Charter is the highest law in Canada and was written in 1981.

In this segment Brian Peckford talks about how the Charter came to be and how it is currently being grossly violated by Trudeau and his cronies.

In 1981 the Canadian justice system was friends of the law first, and friends of the prime minister second. That order seems to have been flipped.

The Charter safeguards citizens' rights, such as...

- Mobility: to go wherever you want, whenever you want, including to enter and leave the country. This is now restricted for the unvaxxed and by quarantine mandate.
- To earn a living. Now restricted because unvaxxed are not allowed to work in certain professions.
- Privacy. For instance, not having to present medical data without clear legal reasons, such as vaxx status.
- Protection against arrest without good reason. An example of what it is supposed to protect against is the horrible way pastor Artur Pawlowski is currently being treated. See:

The Charter can be found here:

Section 1 says:

"The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society."

Trudeau uses section 1 as an argument for his dictatorial policies: "Yes, you have your Charter rights, but this 'emergency', this 'pandemic', this 'killer virus' allows me to override your Charter rights".

Peckford explains that this is NOT the case. "Section 1 was meant to apply to a very, very dire situation in the country like a war, like insurrection or some other dire threat to the existence of the state."

A severe flu is NOT a valid excuse for the government to trample on citizens.


Alfred Brian Peckford, PC is a Canadian politician who served as the third premier of Newfoundland between March 26, 1979, and March 22, 1989. He is now the last remaining member that wrote Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and he is very unpleased with how the Canadian government has handled the pandemic crisis.



See the full interview from which this segment was taken here:

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