Beware the Dangers of a Naive Patriot Narrative

3 years ago

With the New Madrid Rip on the verge of occurring, there's a danger facing the many patriots who are naïvely expecting this sense of an impending event to be a 'blue sky' event, one in which the good guys finally come through and arrest all the Deep State players, shut down the legacy Media, and use the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) to air the laundry list of crimes committed by people once looked up to by the public, and to air their trials, sentencing, and even executions, after which the duly-elected POTUS will be restored to his rightful place, and such alien-originating ideas as 'free energy' and 'med beds' are finally released to the public, along with cancer cures and a new gold-backed monetary system, and finally everyone can live happily ever after, freed from the shackles of the evil New World Odor. This is a nice pipe dream, supposedly inferred by the postings of a group of highly-placed intelligence operatives known by a certain letter of the alphabet, but that same group also warned the readers to "watch the water". My own hypothesis is that this is a reference to the shocking effects of the coming cataclysm of the New Madrid Adjustment and consequential mega-tsunami, most likely to kill millions of Europeans living on the coast of Western Europe. While I could walk the truth-seeker through all of the individual steps that will show the inexorable likelihood of this scenario, that isn't my intention here. Besides, if I attempted to do that, I would most likely be eliminated on the orders of even the whitest of American military white-hats, in the interests of preventing panic and maintaining 'domestic tranquility', as our constitution so eloquently states. For all intents and purposes, this is merely another conspiracy analyst offering a 'personal speculation'; the truth-seeker is advised to do their own research and seek their own understanding. In the meantime, it behooves one and all to be very skeptical of the naïve claims if the self-appointed (and carefully pre-approved) pooh-bahs and pied pipers who mean well but do NOT include the 800-billion pound gorilla in the classroom of their version of the justice we all yearn to finally see, to roll back the stormtide of satanic evil attempting to usher in a Luciferian golden age for the Moloch-worshiping cabal currently engaged in an attempted democide (state-sponsored genocide) of Earth's 'useless eaters'. Ultimately God's plan will win, but not because good people naïvely sit by and wait upon Him to do the dirty work. We are now in the heat of true spiritual warfare, and one of your best weapons is the humility to consider you may not be as aware as you think.

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