GRAND JURY: Day 2 (English) Historical Background; Crimes Against Humanity; Bloodlines

2 years ago

Feb 12, 2022: Speakers Reveal New Information Never Before Made Public.

Corona Investigative Committee: Grand Jury Proceeding, Day 2 - The People's Court of Public Opinion

International Lawyers Reiner Fuellmich & Viviane Fischer Introduce Day 2 of the Grand Jury, Feb 12, 2022

By showing a complete picture of what we are facing, including the Geopolitical & Historical backdrop [like BLOODLINES & SECRET SOCIETIES] the proceeding is meant to create awareness about the factual collapse of the current, hijacked system and its institutions, and, as a consequence the necessity for the people themselves retaking their sovereignty, and the necessity to first stop this plandemic´s measures by refusing to comply, and the necessity to jump-start their own new system of health care, education, economics and judiciary, so that democracy and the rule of law on the basis of our constitutions will be reestablished.


The head of the Corona Committee, ATTORNEY REINER FUELLMICH Leading

A group of international lawyers and a judge are conducting a criminal investigation modelled after the United States Grand Jury proceedings in order to present to the public all available evidence of COVID-19 CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY to date against "leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices" who aided, abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic. This investigation is of the people, by the people and for the people, so YOU can be part of the jury.

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LBRY URLlbry://@GrandJury#f/Grand-Jury-Day-2-online_1#f

Claim IDf7021bb90a75f1dda2b2c2204109bb9e7df3c0c8

Brilliant Comment by @DavidHockley:
This is excellent. To the people that seem to be confused about the purpose of this grand jury process. This is not “fake” and it is not simply a PR exercise.

This is being developed so the evidence is on record and indictments can be issued so that local people around the world can do either private or public prosecutions in their own courts. These courts could be existing courts or we the peoples common law courts.

In COMMON LAW countries we have the right to do “private prosecutions”, this means we don’t need to police to be involved to take people to court. However a case of this size would usually be cost/time/logistically prohibitive. So this amazing team of experts, lawyers and judge are providing the entire prosecution model including format, evidence, expert testimony etc. so this can be cut and paste across courts globally with all of the evidence needed for convictions. If the current legal system fails and doesn’t bring justice this is especially important as we the people can begin private prosecutions at a very low cost. This is a VERY smart approach.

05. Feb: The opening statements
12. Feb: The general historical and geopolitical backdrop to all of this
13. Feb: PCR-Test
19. Feb: Injections
20. Feb: Financial Destruction
26. Feb: Eugenics + closing arguments and outlook

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