Ninja Boxing Technique #1

2 years ago

We have a system of 24 boxing techniques, that I learned from my teacher Moshe Kastiel in the past. Number 1 is quite simple and versatile to use. It is done by a sidestep, parrying with an Umote Shuto and counterpunching with a straight punch (Fudo Ken) or a Ura Shuto. Even ellbow strikes are possible, which would be then number 13 in our system, which we will show in another video in the future. While practicing uke (the attacking partner) should really try to get tori (the defending or practicing partner) and he should retract the hand after every punch. Do not just stick Your arm out! Furthermore uke should check if tori is conrolling the attacking arm correctly. Important to understand is, that parrying and counterpunching are coming together. So the counterpunching hand starts out to be a outside block (Jodan Soto Uke) and turns into a Fudo Ken (Straight fist) or even in a corkscrew-like motiong into a Nio Ken (upside down fist). Once You mastered this You can try to do follow-ups with chokes, take-downs, jointlocks. Combine it with kicks to the legs and sweeps to turn this technique into a terrible painful experience for Your attacker.

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